Ty S.
Beginner (0-2 years)
I am looking a Marketer
Hi, I'm Ty! I've bootstrapped an education startup before and I'm looking to give it another go.
I'd like to find someone that has complementary skills to me. I'll take on software development, product design and product management, while the other founder takes on marketing, sales, and operations.
I'm a big fan of bootstrapping to get product-market fit. I like to build lean and iterate quickly. Start with the simplest feature, build it, launch to customers and repeat the cycle.
In terms of founder-idea fit, this is what I'm looking for:
- Prefer B2C over B2B
- Prefer bootstrapped lifestyle businesses vs. venture-scale
- Prefer to work with someone that has worked at an early stage startup or launched their own startup before
- Prefer to work part-time initially vs. committing full-time right away
- Always 50/50 equity split